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Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Posted by
Michael Douglas Cooper
During 2013, Busca has been making good progress in its collaborative relationship with ebrary©. Although we have been generating some sales over several years, in the last number of months we have been pleased to observe a steadier flow of such e-book ordering activity. We would like to thank all out customers as well as ebrary© & it's parent, ProQuest staff in helping smooth that process.
When you let us know you would like to order ebrary titles, we contact ebrary and find out if you already have an ebrary account. If you do, usually you'll only need to sign an updated PAOA to authorize us. If you don't already have an account, we would also send you a Technical Profile form. ebrary also checks on your behalf to see if you might belong to a group that allows you to order under their umbrella.