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Friday, September 14, 2012

Edward Elgar Releases New Titles on Economic Regulation

Busca, Inc. announces the release of new titles in Economic Regulation from Springer, one of Busca’s featured publishers.  Log into your Busca account to take advantage of our discount on these and many other title from Springer, or contact our expert staff to learn more.

The Limits Of Regulation

A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Development

Stavros Mavroudeas, University of Macedonia, Greece

‘Whilst the regulation approach has gone beyond its peak of influence and has been diluted of much of its radical content, this outstanding critical appreciation of its strengths and weaknesses will prove an invaluable point of reference for all those engaged in the political economy of the national within the global economy.’
– Ben Fine, University of London, UK

September 2012 ● 232 pp ● Hardback ● 978 0 85793 863 3
Regular Price $110.00 ● Web Price $99.00 

For more information about this title or for paperback priced ebooks inquire now at

The Economics Of Edwin Chadwick

Incentives Matter

Robert B. Ekelund Jr., Professor and Eminent Scholar Emeritus in Economics, Auburn University, US and Edward O. Price III, Professor Emeritus, Oklahoma State University, US

‘Economists owe a great debt to Ekelund and Price for making us aware of Edwin Chadwick’s seminal contributions. Chadwick lived in the middle of the 19th century, but he anticipated many of the theoretical and practical advances that culminated in the law and economics revolution of the late 20th century. These include Coase’s analysis of social cost and Demsetz’s proposal for franchise bidding in natural monopolies. Read the summary of Chadwick’s ideas about railroads and consider that Britain adopted many of them but only more than a century later (while the US continues to wallow in ignorance). The book is full of similar examples where Chadwick’s prescience is extraordinary. Economists, legal scholars and practitioners, especially those working at the intersection of law and economics, will want to read this book.’
– Sam Peltzman, University of Chicago, US

September 2012 ● 264 pp  ●  Hardback  ●  978 1 78100 503 3
Regular Price $99.95  ●  Web Price $89.96 

For more information about this title or for paperback priced ebooks inquire now at

Friday, September 7, 2012

2012 PaLA Conference September 30 – October 3, Gettysburg, PA

Busca,Inc. will be at the 2012 Pennsylvania State Library Association Conference in Gettysburg, PA with our friends from BASCH SUBSCRIPTIONS/THE REFERENCE SHELF.  You can find us at Booth #EA167 on October 1 11:45AM – 5:00PM and on October 2 9:30AM – 2:00PM.  In addition to our Library fulfillment services, we will be featuring The Guide to the American Revolutionary War In Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina:  Battles, Raids, and Skirmishes by Norman Desmarais among the group of monographs that we have published.  We are an OCLC WorldCat Partner and a SKYRIVER Vendor Partner, and the personal attention of our staff can assist library operations in additional ways (including processing of ordered materials). Furthermore, BUSCA is a partner with EBRARY....and we will be adding additional e-book platforms in the future.